New procedure of issuing EAC Declarations: all you need to know

On January, 01, 2021 new rules for registering EAC declarations came into force. Let us have a look at most significant changes.

First and foremost, manufacturers are supposed to provide certification experts with the following information:

  • GTIN – Global Trade Item Number
  • GLN – Global Location Number
  • manufacturing date of samples
  • cargo customs declaration – GTD (in Russian –  ГТД)

What comes next, all documents for certification are to be submitted in the electronic form. A Declaration is also issued in the electronic form and added to the electronic archive. An applicant can check their document validity and see all the data on it on the offician web-site of the Russian Accreditation service.

Nonetheless, these changes don’t really affect foregin firms intending to expand into the EAEU market. As usual, they are supposed to have an official representative in the territory of the EAEU to issue any document for their products. All the rest can be done by a certification body.

Planning to get EAC-certified? Check our pages on the most relevant documents for foreign companies:

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